What is Hand 2 Hand?
Hand 2 Hand is a program that brings
churches/businesses together to feed
the hungry children of the community.
They provide food for kids facing
weekend hunger.
Find out more here:
How is Hillcrest involved?
Hillcrest is a Bible based church, and
everything we believe and do is rooted
in the living Word of God.
The bible states in John 21:15 (NIV):
Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon
son of John, do you love me more
than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said,
“you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
We are partnered with community
churches along with businesses
in the area. We are honored as a
church obey the word of God by being
a part of this program serving
children in need.
How can YOU help?
For November and December Hillcrest
has been assigned to collect Side dishes
(like instant potatoes, rice dishes,
Jiffy mix cornbread, etc.) and Pop Tarts.
For these two months, we ask that you
donate these items, and you can place
Them in the basket in the entryway.
Hand 2 Hand is always in need of used
grocery bags to send the food home.
If anyone would like to financially support
this ministry, $20 per month will feed a
student for a whole month. There
is online giving like on their
To find out more please contact
Hillcrest Community Church
Contact Us:
Phone: 616.696.9333